All over the world, the transportation sector is of great importance for the continuity of production. Both freight and passenger…
With the acceleration of development in the technology, crypto currencies have started to be used in transactions. Cryptocurrencies that have…
Emotions are not only attributed to individuals. Although consumers' emotions towards brands are grouped as positive and negative emotions in…
In this study, the de-dollarization trends in international transactions are examined and its place in the new world economic system…
The notion of teachers’ professional development has shifted from simply short-term in-service training to every kind of informal experiences, professional…
Çal??ma, örgütsel davran?? alan?nda s?kça yap?lan kesitsel ve görgül çal??malar? göz önünde bulundurarak farkl? bir bak?? aç?s? ortaya koymay? hedeflemi?tir.…
The knowledge-based economies created by the ever globalizing world have created new needs for companies. Extreme competition has made companies…
In Shia, the imamate is the basis of faith and it has also a political discourse that reflected the daily…
Bu yaz?da Türkçe ek tasnifinde kullan?lan iki ayk?r? yöntem üzerinde durulacakt?r. Bu yöntemlerden birincisi indirgeyici (minimize), di?eriyse ço?alt?c? (atomize) tasniftir.…
Due to the developments in information and communication technologies, the rapid increase in user density and the need for faster…